
Meet Me!

Don’t worry. I’m a far cry from being a June Cleaver whose house is always clean, who never runs out of patience, who can wax eloquent on the joys of scrubbing the toilet (side note: I’ve only seen a couple of episodes of Leave it to Beaver, so I don’t know that June ever actually did that…but you know what I mean). Sarcasm and a dry sense of humor are both good friends of mine. I have a bad day here and there. I will be one of the first to admit when a situation really stinks. Who I am, though, is a person who finds a great deal of joy in the little things in life…like a new pair of socks. Everyday life is a roller coaster, so I think it’s important to find those little joys that can put a smile on your face, help you find some peace, or give you a little touch of the warm fuzzies in the midst of a storm.

My name is Jill. I’m 24 and semi-recently moved from Texas to Virginia with him:

That’s my husband, David. Love him. He’s a Marine, he never ceases to amaze me, and he’s got some killer blue eyes. End sappy love musings.

And our child, for now:

This our sweet puppy, Dixie-Roo. AKA “The Roo”. Well, I call her Roo…David just calls her Dixie. Boring. Anyway, love her, too. She keeps me company during David’s super-long work days…we talk. Ok, I talk and imagine what she might sound like if she could talk. It’s always way-cute.

In addition to the husband and the puppy, God gave me the type of family that everyone should be blessed to have. When we get together…we laugh. We talk and we share and we bounce ideas off of each other, but mostly, we laugh.

Finally (perhaps this should go first, but I leave it for last because it’s a good summary of who I am), I love the Lord and I know He is the source of all the joy I can find in my everyday life. He has blessed me beyond belief by allowing me to get such a kick of things that might seem meaningless. The purpose of my arbitrary ramblings here is to share that with others in a hope that it might brighten another person’s day as well.