
Thursday, February 10, 2011

Joy In: Starting Something New

I’ve been toying around with the idea of starting a blog for a few months now, but let’s face it, my life is too normal to be that exciting of a read. I started looking around for ideas and found some way-fun blogs to read, but nothing really helped me arrive at the idea I wanted:

I don’t live on a ranch…I live in a normal house in a normal neighborhood in the middle of Stafford, Virginia.

I’m not overly organized…organization. Ha. Lord knows I try.

I’m not completely remodeling my house…we rent and will continue to do so until at least 2013 (read: David’s exit from Active Duty and our inevitable move back to the Great State of Texas).

I am a military wife, which can absolutely be interesting (and I will be discussing that quite a bit, I’m sure). But again with living in the middle of Stafford, Virginia. We have a Target and a Bed, Bath, and Beyond. Oh, and there’s a Panera, so I’m happy.

No kids yet…just our 55 pounds of puppy sweetness. As cute as she is…she just eats, sleeps, chews on her bones, and can play a mean game of catch if she doesn’t get distracted while she’s running toward the ball. A frequent happening.

I can cook and usually produce pretty good food, but this is as long as I have a recipe to follow. Straying from the recipe = bad result (usually).

I finally stopped looking to others for ideas and looked back at myself. My point in creating this is to 1) spend some time writing, 2) give myself something to do, and 3) share some happiness. An English major in college, I do love to write; all the more enjoyable when it isn’t an analytical research paper on All the King’s Men. We’ll only be gracing Stafford with our presence for 6 months-ish, so as of now, I’m unemployed. I clean a lot. And finally, I realized that within my normal, everyday life, I derive most of my joy from small parts of my day. Since my celebrity friend list is short non-existent, I figured anyone who might read this might also lead a normal, everyday life and maybe I could share my smile, my laugh, and my joy with them.

I hear the ‘Wrap It Up, Jill’ music in my head. My joy for today is starting something new. I’m in a new phase of my life that makes me scratch my head from time to time, but I’m also learning a great deal about myself and my marriage. I have a feeling this blog in itself will give me a lot of joy and some time for introspection. If you’re reading this, thank you for giving me a piece of your day…please share some of your joys with me, too!

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